All gloppaddagloppadda albums 1 to 5 in a special single purchase in a format of your choice.
1 - Intravene: an exploration of aural plosives, sibilants and anomalies of the human voice.
2 - Daily Grind: ambient / industrial soundscapes depicting a typical working day for many
3 - Chi: sonic representation of the landscape of the Shaanxi region of China
4 - Hypnagogia: the condition between dreaming and waking, taken from previous albums, classical refrains from commissioned art installation 'ShadowLands II and samples from the forthcoming solo album 'Spokes of a Buckled Wheel'
5 - Coming To: 80 minute single track, recorded to accompany a friend's bout of Labyrithitis.
All 5 gloppaddagloppadda albums in format of your choice plus artwork.
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